Yan Tam

Yan Tam Studio is a full service photography and design studio, based in Ghent (Belgium). Photography is what it all started with, Hong Kong is where it began. I am almost compulsively obsessed with detail, whatever the size of the project, whichever the location.

As a professional photographer and project manager for auction houses, museums, art galleries, art collectors, artists and antique dealers, my passion lies in presenting art and antiques with precision. Ensuring each image captivates and elevates its value.

Deadlines and I have a good understanding – I respect them and they keep me sharp.


Paul De Grande | Coronari Auctions | CR-Art Auctions | Rob Michiels Auctions | Colin Waeghe | Mudel Deinze | Zwart Huis | Lauretta & The Nightingale | Zoet Zout | Tamini